We are a proud Partner of: Geo Competence Center Freiberg, Spinlab Leipzig, The German Center for Astrophysics, Smart-Systems-Hub in Dresden, ESA-BIC in the Czech Republic, M-Projekce und der Region Liberec (Liberecký kraj).
Below you can find list of some finished projects for our customers from the Czech Republic and other parts of the world:
Monitoring of bridge and construction stability
- Testing of dynamic and static monitoring for monitoring bridge structures (TÜV Süd Rail (Görlitz / Graz)
- D35 Opatovec – monitoring during the launching of the bridge structure (Pontex, spol. s r.o.)
- Timber bridge in Třebíč – Poušov (Elite Timber Construction, s.r.o.)
- Pavel Wonka Bridge, Pardubice, dynamic monitoring during reconstruction (MDS Projekt)
- Říkonín Viaduct – monitoring of the bridge structure (Mostní a silniční, s.r.o.)
- Smejkalka bridge on the highway D1 (Prague-Brno) – monitoring during reconstruction (Strabag)
- Load test + long-term monitoring in the scope of IDA-KI (processing of infrastructure data using AI) Project (Technical university in Dresden, Germany)
- Ralway bridge in Brno – dynamic test (Správa železnic – Czech raiway net administrator)
- Railway double-track overpass Sudovo u Benešova, 4th railway corridor (Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague)
- Road bridges, pedestrian bridges and retaining wall (Technical office of Streets Management, Prague)
- Road bridge in Brniště (Local Streets Administration of the Liberec Region)
- Vytoňský bridge in Prague – dynamic monitoring test (Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague)
- Road bridges in Vratislavice nad Nisou (City district of Vratislavice n. N.)
- Bridge over the Elbe Kladruby – Řečany (MDS projekt s.r.o.)
- Steel bridge in Vilémov (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague; Metrostav)
- Pedestrian bridge (City Administration of Železný Brod)
Monitoring of buildings stability
- Monitoring of building stability, noise levels, and the impact of traffic (Chrastava Town Administration)
- Industry hall in Sluknov (Rada Bulding s.r.o.)
- Monitoring of the stability and integrity of the desulfurization unit building, Dětmarovice Power Plant (S-Profess a.s.)
- The historic town hall in Česká Lípa (City Administration of Česká Lípa)
- Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary – dynamic meassurement on the vaults (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Monitoring of retaining walls and constructions
- Retaining wall during construction work as part of the bus terminal construction (Town of Semily)
- Retaining wall in Roztoky by Prague (Local Streets Administration of the Central Bohemian Region)
- Bath construction of the public pool in Liberec (Bazén Liberec s.r.o.)
- Retaining wall Černý Vůl II/240 (Krajská správa a údržba silnic středočeského kraje)
- Cemetery wall in Semily (Town of Semily)
- Gasline over a river (Preditest s.r.o.)
Monitoring of potential sliding areas, rocks falls and more
- Online monitoring of the rock formation ‘Kleiner Anger’ in Elterlein, municipality of Elterlein / Zwönitz (Germany)
- Monitoring the decline of glaciers on Svalbard (ÚSMH, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
- Online monitoring of potential sliding areas within the construction of D48 (ŘSD – official highway administator)
- Monitoring of possible rock falls around Pančava fall (ÚSMH, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
- Humidity and temperature monitoring for compost plants (Kobra Údlice s.r.o.)
And a lot more…
Here you can find case studies describing some of our specific applications.