Out of more than 200 international entries, Statotest was among the 27 finalists at DB mindbox in Berlin. . This platform seeks solutions to the problems and challenges of concerns such as Deutsche Bahn (DB) and Autobahn GmbH, the largest passenger carrier in Europe. In close cooperation with DB employees, the startups here work on innovations in rail transport with an emphasis on digital technology.
Deutsche Bahn not only operates 87.5% of the German rail network, but also dominates the European rail market. Given this extensive network, the cooperation with DB is important for many startups.
The startups that made it to the final round in the DB mindbox presented their innovative solutions focusing on sustainability and building technology. “Although we were not selected to participate in the 100-day program, we greatly appreciate the experience.” said Statotest representative Michal Resl.
Statotest’s representation proved that it has a lot to offer and that its vision can play a key role in the future development of the sector.