Road bridge in brniště

Near Česká Lípa (near Brniště) cracks appeared on the road and a pillar of the road bridge began to crack. Over the course of a year, one entire side of the bridge buckled and the concrete structure spread 5 cm.
An extraordinary inspection took place in the fall. The road manager had the bridge immediately closed to road traffic. However, there is a train line under the road bridge, which cannot be simply closed. Trains must pass here at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. Reconstruction of the bridge is already planned for 2021.
Our solution
After consultation with the foreman, we installed three Inclinometer sensors to measure amout of tilt at selected locations.
Advantages of the solution
Monitoring takes place continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Data is sent every 15 minutes. In the event of a sudden change, notifications are sent immediately to the e-mail or telephone of the competent person. This person also has access to a cloud platform, where he can monitor the development over time, reassess settings, evaluate behavior even with any temperature change.
Customer: Krajská správa komunikací Libereckého kraje; Realisation: 10/2020